Survive News 20


Survive News 20

Recently, Donald Trump was involved in a shooting incident at a rally in Pennsylvania. Trump was unharmed, but one spectator was killed, and two others were injured. The shooter was also killed on the scene. This incident has added to the already complex landscape surrounding Trump's legal and political challenges

·        Last week, Mato Grosso do Sul, more specifically Corumbá, the city most affected by fires in the Pantanal, recorded a cold wave and some rain, which helped to combat the flames that are devastating the biome. But it is important to note that the fire has not yet been extinguished, as explained by the Fire Department.


Homelessness is increasing considerably in Brazil, worrying the population recently.


·        In the Pantanal, water from the Paraguay River reaches the lowest level in almost 60 years


In fact, climate extremes have a significant impact on children's health. A study by Fiocruz revealed that babies under 1 year of age are being hospitalized with respiratory diseases at worrying levels. In 2023, almost 153 thousand babies were admitted to the SUS with pneumonia, bronchiolitis or bronchitis, an average of more than 400 hospitalizations per day, the highest number recorded in the last 15 years. Furthermore, global warming is also associated with premature births and can cause lifelong health damage, as well as rapid weight gain in babies, increasing the risk of obesity in adulthood. These data highlight the need for measures to mitigate the effects of climate change on child health.


·        the football museum reopens its doors in SP


The Speak Partner program continues at a fast pace with the participation of all students in the Survive group. Students of all levels from Basic to Advanced and Conversation are participating, the practice of interviews has brought good results to everyone. So don't be left out of this journey and join us and let's move towards fluency.


·        the Brief classes are bringing an excellent complement to the weekly content, we want to recommend that students always have new notes on this content so that they can always study outside of class. Because with all this material available, you can realize that you are immersed in the language, being in constant contact with it.


The Survive News show that you can improve your English at the end of each episode, we can be sure that our students are following the most important news or even keeping up-to-date with the political world. Following the news each week brings a different experience for everyone... just like this week we will read a poem written by one of our students Bruno Jesus who wrote for the first time in English. We would like to take this opportunity to thank him for the effort and dedication he has shown in his studies, being one of our best students towards the profession.

                                                                                                          Survive Forever

The first Love


E de repente vem o primeiro

And suddenly comes the first one

Alguns desejam, outros rejeitam

Some desire, others reject

Uns tem os mais lindos sonhos, outros levam como pesadelo

Some have the most beautiful dreams, others take it as a nightmare

Tem alguns que o chamam, outros insistem em se calar

There are some who call him, others insist on being silent

Tem alguns o que amam, outros fogem rápido, sem duas vezes pensar

Some love it, others run away fast without a second thought


Mas o que é inevitável é que um dia irá chegar

But what is inevitable is that one day it will come

Num amigo de escola, ou num acaso frente ao mar

In a school friend, or in a chance by the sea

Numa brisa passageira, de encontros corriqueiros

In a passing breeze, of ordinary encounters

Ou na árdua persistência de um encontro com receios

Or in the arduous persistence of an encounter with fears

         Uns vem na adolescência, outros no fim da juventude

Some come in adolescence, others in late youth

Há quem diga eu não quero

There are those who say I don't want

Há quem diga me desfrute

There are those who say enjoy me

Há quem desperta com um beijo

There are those who wake up with a kiss

Há quem desperta no olhar

There are those who wake up in the eyes

Há quem desperta com um toque

There are those who wake up with a touch

Ou num simples conversar

Or in a simple conversation

Mas uma coisa é inevitável, seja novo ou mais mocinho

But one thing is inevitable, whether young or young

Quando chega não tem controle

When it arrives, you have no control

Só basta aceitar o desafio

Just accept the challenge

Mas aquele frio na barriga, do primeiro a encontrar

But that butterflies in your stomach, the first one to find

Pode ser felicidade, ou experiência a se passar

It could be happiness, or an experience to be had

Viva e se entregue totalmente, pra sempre tu vai lembrar

Live and give yourself completely, you will always remember

E quando tiver com cabelos brancos

And when you have gray hair

Do primeiro amor, sempre vai recordar.

       You will always remember your first love.


By: Bruno Jesus

Survive Student

