Survive Dream 2


Survive Dream

Episode 2




So this is it… let's start the second episode about survive dream I had many different kinds of way to start this narrative for a listen, but what I remember is that in another dream the second one I was driving I don't remember where I was going to or where I was coming from but suddenly I was at that same place. I parked my car I was curious about the the place I was because I could  remember I knew that one I realized I was at the same dream I had been at the first time I could see the same street the same kind of houses the same color the same situation of building and then I was thinking about the point where I stopped at the last room but what was interesting was exactly exactly this how come I could remember the dreams I had had, how come I could  remember the place the details the points… important points to remember the place was I  the same dream I didn't know and they didn't want to know, at that time what I wanted to know was that I would like to be in my bedroom I would like to be in my room I would like to be in my real life the reality is this I would like to return to my life my normal life and I knew that at that time I wasn't able to return because I wasn't able to wake up at that point in this dream I had this feeling that I couldn't to return I was going to leave this dream experience and I couldn't stop and I was going to follow in a way I didn't know but  I knew in fact I  was going to enter at that village I was going to see the houses closing the doors do you remember in my last one this happened in the end, the people were closing the doors the windows they were scared looking at me and then… I did it I locked my car I was alone at the place at the 1st St. I’d parked my car at the same place at the first dream and in the second one I started to going down at that so so narrow St. I saw the same thing people clothing their houses I continue walking then I saw that face about the woman who offered me help in my first dream and she invited me to enter in her house I did it, there inside she told me again I can help you I will help you but unfortunately you're here because you got through in a danger place here life is different We obey them… to live the way you want and now I don't know what to do with you here but I will try to help you. I didn't understand exactly what was happening but she showed me from her window the village we were in a top of the hill I think that at this place we didn't have post code or a dress it was interesting and different my cell phone hasn’t connection so I wasn't able  to call for help and she couldn't help me choose she told me I can't use the phone I can't call anybody they will know I hope you do I can die too and then I could see there I was in a drug trafficking place I was and this was the problem I couldn't get out I couldn't go I couldn't return my house because I discovered that place I knew where I was and I couldn't return home because I could tell for the Cops and the yeah I could say the  organ responsible about that practice what has happened there. They know we know everybody knows that the Cops knows where is the  drug traffic but sometimes they can't do anything , In my case I was in a danger situation at that time what was different was I needed to put the second step away I could remember my young daughter my old ones my life my house the only thing I didn't remember was the way to return back because that place was a labyrinth so difficult too late to leave I continue talking with her and appreciating the view of that many houses all built together near each other connected band I realized that I was in danger when I I finished my explanation how I could got there I decided to go and try to leave so try to come back home at that point I don't remember until today what I had talked with that woman… I got my cell phone on my bag, my car key my bag and then I left to her house when I saw the place it was a little group of men I could listen some songs  comes from a  war or some fight I was in a war I could  hear some gunshots people screaming and then I was completely scared at that moment I was walking to path of death in fact I can remember the different kind of houses I saw I continued walking all houses was closed yet,  nobody put their face out scared too and I was walking fasting I got down some stairs very very narrow each ones and my bag was very heavy I didn't have any kind of food or water to drink and at that point in my dream I was hungry I was thirst and I can remember, what was terrifying was that I couldn’t  wake up this for me was completely impressive and spectacular because I knew I was sleeping and I wanted to wake up I needed and I needed to to keep alive Cause I was there and to the end of this dream I wanted to return home to wake up in my bed in family and safe… going walking around the house I saw a group of guys talking they were with many different kind of guns on their hands they were very thin everyone tall they were strong different than me lolol uh tattoos and their face weren’t very nice they were wearing many different necklaces also gold  watches and the branded clothing . I didn't know if I should start talking with them if they was going to kill me at that point I thought if I die at this place can I wake up or this dream is as that movie about Freddie Kruger number from one …four I don't remember I guess everyone that if you were going to die in your dream you weren't to be able to wake up in your real life again…this was the point I was scared I wanted to know the answer but it didn't have so I remember the prayer inside my heart and I said for myself I was thinking in my family but I need to go because, I never was a coward and I needed to go and face this problem and I was. when I started walking ahead on their direction they stopped talking each other, they put their cigarettes on their mouth look at me with a little no good eyes were my impression…  Were we going to start having a fight?  but I didn't have a gunshot and if I didn't… how come I could  fight you I wanted to be stronger at that moment I was going and thinking about what was going to start… but I was and then when I stopped in front of them and then I said hi sorry but I'm a loser can you help me return home….

The time stopped on me, I didn’t feel my legs, breathing was hard, almost having a heart attack I looked on their yes and waited for an answer.

But this is point for next time 😊 I hope you had enjoyed this as I to prepare for you… So see you next time and this is it for today Survuve4ever
